No, I Will Not “Give You A Call”

I have a new workplace pet peeve. It’s when people send me a note asking me to give them a call. Call me petty, but hear me out. That is a way of passing off accountability. Now, their “talk to Jessica” item is off their to do list and I’ve just added “call that person” to my to do list. Instead of taking the responsibility to convey the message directly, they push it onto the recipient. There’s an argument that they don’t want to interrupt or bother the other person, but for me at least, it creates anxiety. Now I’m worried that something is wrong. AND my to do list just got longer.   I digress.   Speaking of passing off accountability, the recent spat between CrowdStrike and Delta Air...

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A Culture for All Generations

Disrupting the way we think about generations to attract, engage, and retain all employees

There’s a real benefit in dismantling the perceptions behind Gen Z or X, or whatever the next trendy label is! Citing extensive academic research from her book, Unfairly Labeled, Jessica provides a refreshingly enlightening and data-driven perspective on how multi-generational organizations can strip away stereotypes and and biases that hinder performance and prevent progress toward a common purpose.

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